Different Allergens Floating in The Air
Subject : Different Allergens Floating in The Air
Posted : 6/25/2015 7:54 AM (#8353)
Old School

Posts: 100
Allergy is a reaction your immune system has against a certain substance or thing that irritates it. Some people are allergic to peanut butter, others to chocolate and some to pollen. When it comes to peanut butter and chocolate, you can simply choose to not eat them. But what if the very thing you are allergic to, is invisible and floating around in your home?
No one was to have his allergies kicking in, especially when they are at home and just want to relax and rest. However, no matter how much you make sure you keep your windows closed and rarely get outside during spring, they will find a way in. That means, we need to have a way to fight back. To start, lets see the different types of allergens that can be in your house.
Go this link See more about Allergens