Need family law and help
Subject : Need family law and help
Posted : 10/31/2014 12:03 AM (#5155)
Old School

Posts: 110
It depends where you are in the UK. The laws differ from Country to Country. But the one constant in each country is any decision made have to be " in the best interests of the child". If you are concerned that your childs father is about to reestablish contact and you have serious concerns regarding this I would advice you to get in touch with your local authorities Childrens Sevices department. If what you say is true I would be amazed if they didn't have concerns. And they will be able to access all the noted violence retained by the housing authority. They will also be able to clarify any convictions your ex may have. All of the history will be used to establish whether you ex would be deemed suitable for contact after such a long period without.I would be amazed, if what you say is true, if he were to be given contact here