What is drug abuse?
Subject : What is drug abuse?
Posted : 9/25/2014 12:38 AM (#4054)
Old School

Posts: 110
Drug abuse needs to be distinguished from drug use.
Drug abuse is when one mis-uses a drug in a harmful way -- their use of the drug is non-voluntary (they feel they "need" it and can't stop using it), or in some way "takes over" their life.
It messes up your body, your head, your relationships to others.
If the drug is the most important thing in your life, it often leads to criminal behavior (sleeping with strangers for drugs or money for drugs and theft are the most common).
If you become a slave to a drug, you neglect all the other things in your life -- getting and using the drug comes before work, taking care of your kids, and everything else.
This society tends to confuse all drug use with abuse, but this is just wrong.
Someone who once in a while gets high is not abusing drugs, but using them recreationally.
This CAN lead to their abusing it, but doesn't always.
It's when it's messing up your health or life that it's a problem.

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